The Judicial Service Commission has been established in accordance with Article 112 (1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977, read together with the Judicial Conduct Act no. 4 of the year 2011. According to Article No. 15 of the Court Operation Law No. 15 (1) of the Law of Court Operation No. 4 of 2011. The Chief Executive of the Court is the Secretary of the Commission and the executor of the Commission’s decisions. The enactment of the Law on Court Service No. 2 of 2005, and now the Court Operation Law No. 4 of the year 2011, there were two Commissions that dealt with Court employees, namely the Court Service Commission that dealt with Resident Magistrates and District Magistrates and a special Court Service Commission that dealt with Judges of Courts of First Instance. Members of the Court Service Commission specified in the Constitution and members of the special Commission specified in the Court Service Law of, year. At the moment, all service matters for Court Employees are dealt with by the Court Service Commission, whose members and duties are specified in the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania.
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